Forum Discussion

krogold's avatar
Regular Contributor
7 years ago

ReadyAPI - different behaviour for similar elements in groovy script


I'm encountering a strange issue as I'm trying to execute a Project A's testCase from a Project B.

If I do the following (code 1) :

tp = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.workspace.getProjectByName("DomoveaV2_Service_API")
ts = tp.getTestSuiteByName("Domovea V2 API Properties")
tc = ts.getTestCaseByName("/m2m/fim/items/{UID}/properties/itemTimestamp")

result =,false); "resultat: " + result.status + " - " + result.reason + " - process took " + result.timeTaken + "ms"

if (result.status != com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStepResult.TestStepStatus.OK){ "ko" 
	throw new Exception("Le test distant est FAILED")	
	return "OK"

it works. I call a step that fails and I end up with the correct result.


I tried to call it with testRunner but it fails as testRunner doesn't understand Workspaces.

So I found another solution from the community (code 2):


import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProjectPro

WsdlProjectPro project = new WsdlProjectPro("C:\\DomoveaV2_Services_API\\package\\DomoveaV2_Service_API-readyapi-project.xml");
// project
testSuite = project.getTestSuiteByName("Domovea V2 API Properties")
// testSuite
testCase = testSuite.getTestCaseByName("/m2m/fim/items/{UID}/properties/itemTimestamp")
// testCase
result =,false); "resultat: " + result.status + " - " + result.reason + " - process took " + result.timeTaken + "ms"

But it ends up as FINISHED instead of FAILED !

Has anyone an idea of why this happens ??



Further issue: As I tried to see which was returned for testCase, testSuite, etc. I added the following in the script (code 3):


localProj = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.workspace.getProjectByName("DomoveaV2_Service_API")
localSuite = localProj.getTestSuiteByName("Domovea V2 API Properties")
localTest = localSuite.getTestCaseByName("/m2m/fim/items/{UID}/properties/itemTimestamp")

/* "project = " + localProj "testSuite = " + localSuite "testCase = " + localTest
localResult =,false); "context = " + context "context properties = " + context.getProperties() "resultat: " + localResult.status + " - " + localResult.reason + " - process took " + localResult.timeTaken + "ms"

Which end up being the same thing as my initial script, but now its ends up as FINISHED !?


So I re-set my initial scripting in the groovy script (so I have code 3 following by code 1) and they produce a different result.

I enabled the logs to check the addresses for project, testsuite and testcase and they are all the same !!


I finally added logs on context after code 1 and code 3 and they show some differences that I don't understand:


Log after code 3:

context = [ThreadIndex:0
, log:org.apache.log4j.Logger@5ca4713e
, RunCount:0
, ExecutionID:77c83a39-8dc8-48fd-8ece-5b5290fedc4b]

context properties = [ThreadIndex:0
, log:org.apache.log4j.Logger@5ca4713e
, RunCount:0
, ExecutionID:77c83a39-8dc8-48fd-8ece-5b5290fedc4b]

log after code 1:

context = [ThreadIndex:0
, StartedByModelItemId:71ef9ee4-d5af-461a-ad0f-76cf0d36eba1
, log:org.apache.log4j.Logger@5ca4713e
, RunCount:0
, RecentTestRunsLimit:1
, RunSizeCounter:TestRunSizeCounter{totalSize=43}
, ExecutionID:77c83a39-8dc8-48fd-8ece-5b5290fedc4b]

context properties = [ThreadIndex:0
, StartedByModelItemId:71ef9ee4-d5af-461a-ad0f-76cf0d36eba1
, log:org.apache.log4j.Logger@5ca4713e
, RunCount:0
, RecentTestRunsLimit:1
, RunSizeCounter:TestRunSizeCounter{totalSize=43}
, ExecutionID:77c83a39-8dc8-48fd-8ece-5b5290fedc4b]

It seems that, for code 2 and code 3 that the context is not complete ?!


Thanks for any help


