Import Postman Collection
Hello there,
We are having issues with the 'Import Postman Collection' functionality in SoapUI Pro. After importing the V1 postman collection with no issues, we get a URISyntaxException when executing any of the imported requests. It sort of looks like the application is not properly doing property expansion when it imports the postman collection. For example if you have 'http://{{host_property}}' defined in your postman request URL, the app does not do a property expansion substitution as stated in the docs:
We also tried this in SoapUI community edition and ReadyApi version as well. We suspect the same issue, even though we get a different error message. (e.g.SoapUI community edition gives null pointer exception).
Please let us know if there is any work around/solution.
thank you.
Thank you for posting to our Community Forum.
Our developers have identified and fixed this bug recently. I have attached the fixed plugin jar file for you to load.
Let me know if you have any questions/concerns or if the issue persists.