Forum Discussion

678's avatar
Regular Contributor
7 years ago

Each Datasource row as a Testcase Name

I would like to get reports as Each Datasource Row as a Test case name 


Here is my farmework 


Datasource has Row 1 = Testcase1, Row 2 = Testcase2 


Test Suite - Test case (Request1) = when i run Test case from ReadyApi (Request1) than i need to get the reports as Testcase1, Testcase2 


Datasource Loop 

2 Replies

  • // in a groovy step after your DataSource step pull the name of the column that contains the test case name you are wanting to update


    def TestCaseName = context.expand( '${DataSource#TestCaseName}' )


    //if you are wanting to change the name of the Test Case at runtime


    //if you are wanting to change the name of the request step name at runtime
    tc = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepAt(2) // The number 2 would represent the position of the step in your test case. Starting with 0 as the first step


    • 678's avatar
      Regular Contributor



      I did as per your suggestion, i can able to change Test Case name and Runtime and Test Step name on run time but on the reports i am not getting  Each Row as a test case name