Forum Discussion

PrashantSetia's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

JDBC connectivity issue - No matching authentication protocol

Hello All,


I am trying to connect to Database . I am getting error as below while trying connection to oracle DB:


Can't get the Connection for specified properties; java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol


I kept ojdbc6.jar under lib directory and after looking at posts online, mentioned below in sqlnet.ora:




Still getting same error. anyone pelase help.


Thanks in advance

  • PrashantSetia's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    It is resolved . I just removed ojdbc14 jar files and it worked.

  • ShasiSingh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    How are you connecting with Oracle, Using teststep-> JDBC request or using Groovy scripting?

    Just out of curiosity where you put your jar file. Inside Bin--> \bin\ext or \bin\

    If it is possible can you share your connection string?

    • Bhavesh132456's avatar
      New Contributor



      This is my Connection String , i am getting same Error . Can you help

      ShasiSingh wrote:

      How are you connecting with Oracle, Using teststep-> JDBC request or using Groovy scripting?

      Just out of curiosity where you put your jar file. Inside Bin--> \bin\ext or \bin\

      If it is possible can you share your connection string?