Forum Discussion

ostraaten's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

How to change the end point

The end point of my web services have changed. How can I change the end point? There doesn't seem to be an easy way. I tried to change the end point property of a test step but then it immediately fails because SoapUI starts using a bit of old and a bit of new end point.

Is it possible to set the end point for the project so that is can be changed easily from environment to environment. Or should I create a separate SoapUI project for each environment and somehow keep them synced? Winmerge?

Or should I open the SoapUI XML in an editor and search and replace the old for the new end point?

Wat is the recommended practice for changing end points? Or should end points be fixed per SoapUI project?

Maybe it would be useful to have a how to document that describes how end points can be changed?

3 Replies

  • After playing around with the properties I started getting strange errors while running test cases. For example unable to create AxisServce from ServiceEndpointaddress.

    So after thinking about it. The best practice is to fix the end point per Soap UI project. Trying to change it will most likely not work or will only work after a considerable amount of configuring/testing/debugging.

    If you need to run tests against another endpoint you can create a new empty project starting from the new end point and then recreate all test cases. A little bit strange but I suppose this might suffice in some cases.
  • Parameterize the endpoints - create a property at project level with value=<endpoints> and specify "${#Project#EndPtPropValue}" wherever required.
    So any change in endpoints-u just need to update the Project prop value
    • ankushpal's avatar
      New Contributor

      It works but can you please help me if we want to handle this endpoint URL from external file as Excelsheet.

      As when we run the Rest Requests in pipeline we will have to change the endpoint URL in the custom properties but while running the tests in pipeline we wont be able to change the endpoint Url if needed.