Forum Discussion

smtripathi99's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Response XML Parsing with groovy

i have a test which gets the response and parse it to get some value and store in properties. However my groovy gives me the attached error while parsing. Below is the code:


def response= context.testCase.testSteps["GetCabinets Request"].getPropertyValue("response").toString() response
def node = new XmlParser().parseText(response)
def x = node.e.size()
int i
for ( i=0; i< x; i++)

if (node.e.Attributes.object_name.e.text() == "Product Labeling")
{ ("Object Name -- " + node.e.Attributes.object_name.e.text()) ("Object ID --" + node.e.ObjectId.text())


here is the response:

<e>Product Labeling</e>

But when i click Format XML in the XML response tab of SoapUI and again run the script no error comes?

4 Replies

  • smtripathi99's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    By default the response is in JASON:

    "ObjectId": "0c002758800015ce",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["Components"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c002758800015cf",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["Content"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c0027588000f629",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["MYTESTCABINET"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c002758800015d1",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["Product Labeling"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c00275880000130",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["Resources"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c00275880000106",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["System"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c00275880000107",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["Temp"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c0027588000012f",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["Templates"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c00275880000105",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["dctm70"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c00275880000104",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["x70"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c00275880001c2f",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["xmContent"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
    "ObjectId": "0c002758800015d0",
    "ObjectType": "dm_cabinet",
    "Attributes": {"object_name": ["xmLabeling"]},
    "Type": "Cabinet"
  • akbbhatt's avatar
    New Contributor
    There are other ways to do the same thing using Slurper classes instead of XMLUtils.
    Since your response is Json you can use JsonSlurper for this:

    In your test step assertion, add this code:
    import groovy.json.*
    def response = new JsonSlurper().parseText(messageExchange.response.responseContent) response

    Now you will see the response in the log.

    You can google for JsonSlurper examples, let me know if you need any more info on the same.
  • aly's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hello, guys!


    I just have similiar problem. I have test case with Run test case element in it. And in this run test case element I need somehow to get response of one of the request in the source test case. But I am using free version of Soap UI. Is it possible to do it in it?

    Thank you