Forum Discussion

John_Overbaugh's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

Property - transfer info disappears

This is driving me nuts... I'm using the latest SoapUI (2.0.2) Pro. I have a property in my test suite called holdExpiration and have set it to "2008-04-01T11:11:11.111 which is the default UNIX timedate format.

When I use the UI or manually enter the property association (${#TestSuite#holdPlacement}, and then click into another field, what I type/picked using the UI disappears.

I've seen this off and on but have generally gotten around it in the past. However, I can't get it to stop today.

1 Reply

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi John,

    That really sounds annoying :-) Can you right-click on the text-field and use the "Get Data" or "Set Value" options? Or is this not in an input Form?

