Forum Discussion

richie's avatar
Community Hero
7 years ago

ISO-8859-1 Encoding Query - Doesn't Appear to be Working?



I'm publishing a REST POST message (containing a flat file saved in ISO-8859-1 encoding with a ÿ character) via an ESB to a CRM to create a new record on the CRM via the ESB.


I have a REST GET request message setup to confirm the change to the CRM was updated correctly - however, the response to the GET indicates a twobyte character 'ÿ' rather a single 1 byte character 'ÿ' (a y character topped with a daeresis diacritic) - indicating there is a problem with the encoding on my request/response.


If I use wget to submit the request - the response I get back from the ESB indicates the encoding works correctly, but NOT when I use SoapUI.


For some reason I cannot get the response to return the ÿ character


I found the following:


and it indicates that I need to set the Encoding attribute on the 'REST Request properties' to 'iso-8859-1'.  I tried this but I'm still getting the a failed assertion on the attribute because I'm still getting the 2 character value in the response.


the URL also indicates that I can change the header 'text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1' on the request - I tried this also - but again I'm still not getting the 'ÿ' rather than the ÿ character in the response.


I'm kindof stumped - I don't know what to do - can anyone advise?


My Test Case is as follows:



Datasource (Directory) with fileContents property (sourcing a flat file from my local drive)
POST REST request (${DataSource - directory#fileContents}) - 'Encoding' set as iso-8859-1 on Request Properties
GET REST request (to check the POST was successful)  - 'Encoding' set as iso-8859-1 on Request Properties


To summarise.


I set the 'Encoding' on the POST REST Request Step Properties to 'iso-8859-1' on the POST

I set the 'Encoding' on the GET REST Request Step Properties to 'iso-8859-1' on the POST


I also tried creating a Content-Type header on the GET Request as 'text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1'  and this didn't work either!


Any help/advice/guidance anyone can provide would be gratefully appreciated!


Thanks to all!

2 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    The link you pointed was not just suggesting to use certain encoding, it was based on the question.

    May be you can use "UTF-8" instead of that, as you appear seems to use multi-byte char.
    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      I've had it confirmed by the developer that I can't use UTF-8 - this is a superset of iso-8859-1 and the CRM I'm publishing to only supports 8859-1.


      The original question asks about mocking request/responses using iso-8859-1 - the answer given indicates UTF-8 in the screenshot - but the comment after that indicates to use either UTF-8 or iso-8859-1 depending on your system's requirements.

