AlexKaras's avatar
Champion Level 3
9 years ago
New Idea

Make Global Variables to be of table type



Problem: Now the global variables (those used for parameterization and accessible via Variables editor) that retrieve values from the databases, CSV-files, Excel files can be associated with a single field only. This is very inconvenient if, for example, variables must contain correlated values like user id and the password.


Request: Make the global variables to be of table type so that they can be associated with the resultsets. Access to the columns can be made using the 'dotted' notation. If resultset contains only one field, the old syntax can be used.


Use case sample: The LTLogins variable can be associated with the 'Select Login, Pwd From Logins Where Active=true;' resultset and provide data to some web site login form using the @LTLogins.Login and @LTLogins.Pwd syntax for the Login and Password fields accordingly.



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