mayertj1's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago
New Idea

Manage order of configurations in Collaborator Enterprise Client

I'm working on two projects, each with a large and complex folder structure.  To speed up scanning for differences, the projects were futher divided folders within each of the projects.  Although this dramatically speeds up scanning, it does result in many SCM configurations listed in the client, and it appears random, making the task of finding the correct "Local Path" tedious and error prone - especially considering that each of the two projects share very similar paths.


It would be ideal if Collaborator could support the following features:


  • Maually ordering the configurations within the client, or at least sorting by Local Path.
  • Support for groups of configurations.  If more than one group is configured, prompt the user which group should be loaded, and provide the ability to switch groups.    

I'm considering trying to manipulate the ".smartbear\profiles" folder in an attempt to simulate this (i.e. have two seperate profiles directories, that get renamed to ".smartbear\profiles" depending on which project I'm currently working on, and then rename the ".options" files to manage the order).


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