josh2023's avatar
Regular Visitor
11 months ago
New Idea

REST API to pull all Test Case Data including Test Steps and Custom Fields with a single request

Currently, if we want to pull back all Test Case data we have to make multiple API requests to pull back the Test Steps associated to a test case and then another call to pull back any custom fields associated to a test case.  So. if we need to pull the test data for 100 test cases, we need to make 200 API calls.


In the below example, if we pull all the test cases associated to a single JIRA story that is one API request.  Then for each Test Case returned in that initial API request, we need to pull the Test Steps for each Test Case and then we need to pull the Custom Field data for each test case.  



We suggest having a REST API request that can pull back all Test Case data including the Test Steps and any Custom Field data in a single transaction.  This will help reduce the backend traffic when using the REST API for custom reporting.


In addition, it would be beneficial to be able to pull back Test Case data in bulk, allowing us to provide multiple Test Cases to the request and get all of their associated data including test steps and custom field data in a single request.  To avoid performance issues the bulk request could be limited to a specific number of Test Cases per request.

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