govinddrolia's avatar
2 years ago
New Idea

JQL and ZQL search ability for test case coverage on requirements

1) JQL ability of issues in Jira that have a Zephyr Enterprise test case mapped to it. This would involve the Jira Integration: Zephyr Enterprise plugin enhancement to not just show the test cases in a panel on the issue view screen, but allow a JQL search on whether there are test cases or not.

2) ZQL or some other reporting, search mechanism in Zephyr Enterprise to search for the requirements that have test case coverage or don't have test case coverage.



1 Comment

  • josh2023's avatar
    Regular Visitor

    Agreed, since moving to the Zephyr/Jira plugin we can no longer search for Jira issues (i.e. Stories) that do not have Test Cases in Zephyr Enterprise linked. Previously with remote links a user could perform a JQL search to find any Stories that did not have the Zephyr Enterprise remote link associated to it. 

    We now need a function for users to be able to search using JQL and find all Jira Issues (i.e. Stories, Tasks, Bugs, etc.) that do not  or do have a test case in Zephyr Enterprise mapped.