- Status changed:New IdeatoSelected for Development
- dd_123Senior Member
I'm in favor for this feature request!
Some background why we need something like this. In my case a 'Script-Automation' job in the vortex is triggered from a Github-action. So, when Development creates a pull-request, a specific Test Phase is run that tests this pull-requests.
In the Test Execution I want to see a list of every re run of that specific Test Phase. At this moment, this is only possible by manually creating a new Test Phase and changing the Github-action. This gives us a lot of overhead and is just not managable.
A feature like this would bring so much value to Zephyr Enterprise as Test Management and Automation tool!
Extra: If reporting allows, it would then be possible to get an overview of the re run's of the Test Phase over the software development cycle. See image below for an example
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- 4 years ago