saradunngpn's avatar
Occasional Visitor
2 months ago
New Idea

Allow Jira fields to be visible in the Requirements Grid

It would be helpful for us to have some additional fields available from our Jira tickets in our Zephyr requirements (e.g., sprint, priority)  This would be particularly helpful if they could appear in the requirements grid in Zephyr Enterprise.

It would be awesome if you could make some standard Jira fields available as separate fields that could be shown in the requirements grid.  For example, I'd love to be able to see the sprint from Jira in the requirements grid.

Alternatively, the option to create a custom field in Zephyr and "map" it to a Jira field so it could be automatically updated from Jira and appear in the requirements grid in Zephyr would also be great (especially if it included the ability to map to custom Jira fields too.)

(I was advised that this functionality is not currently available and submitting a feature request was the way to go in Case # 00661791.)

Thanks in advance!

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