rpeterlinx's avatar
9 years ago
New Idea

TestComplete does not support applications, which are built using GTK and GNOME (Python)

Our Company uses Python with Glade constructor to build the interfaces.


The interface building is made normally, assigning names to the fields and windows add-ons, as defined by our modelling templates.

The Glade constructor is made by (GTK and GNOME).

Using the Object Spy, it can not obtain the detailed objects properties. The return is always made by the gdkWindowToplevel class, resulting in a common full name, with changes only in the caption and Childs numbering.



Sys.Process('main', 2).Window('gdkWindowToplevel', 'Empresas', 1).Window('gdkWindowChild', 'main.exe', 8)

Sys.Process('main', 2).Window('gdkWindowToplevel', 'Empresas', 1).Window('gdkWindowChild', 'main.exe', 12)



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