AlexKaras's avatar
Champion Level 3
8 years ago
New Idea

Chrome in headless mode - Consider if TestComplete can drive it



Request is based on case #00250203.

Starting from version 59, Chrome can run in the headless mode. It may be beneficial if TestComplete can control Chrome running in the headless mode.

Could you guys please consider whether the implementation of the headless mode in Chrome makes it possible for TestComplete to drive the browser?






  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    A little bit more defined use-case:

    The major problem when running scheduled tests on the test machine (either via some tool like Jenkins or just from the scheduler) is to provide an active interactive user session where TestComplete and tested application are executed and preventing this session to be locked on timeout.

    If the headless mode in Chrome means that UI elements of the page exist and are accessible to TestComplete, then support for the Chrome headless mode might help to solve the mentioned problem of interactive user session.