Dmitry_Nikolaev , I'm sorry but you do not seem to understand how your product works. We're not trying to debug with TestExecute, we're trying to pause the test without having to restart the whole test run. We have more or less 40 VM's running test excecute through various jobs on different products at all times. Some of the test benches that we built in Test Complete are over 40 hours to run. So if you can't pause TestExecute and a problem happens on the VM, every test just starts failing. But sometimes someone can simply go in and fix the issue on the VM and voila everything would be fine for the the remaining tests. This is a big productivity issue. Also, most problems are not related to the way the tests are built, but more related to the environment. Planned downtimes for file servers, application servers, related resources or anything similar are into this category.
So here is a common example:
- - We schedule a test run to execute on an application at 8:00 pm
- - There is a planned maintenance on a file server at 11:00 pm for 30 minutes
- - We would like to be able to pause Test Execute on all VM's during the maintenance window.
- - If we cannot do this we loose 3 hours of tests per VM, so this could be up to 120 hours lost simply because everything will fail during and probably after the maintenance window.
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- 11 years ago