mcpm's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago
New Idea

Add suport for Python's match-case statement

Together with TestComplete 15.50, a new Python 3.10 has been delivered. And Python 3.10 delivers new statement: match-case. But it is impossible to use that in TestComplete, because its code checker raises syntax error when it encounters this statement.

Adding this capability will allow to take better advantage of Python's capabilities.

1 Comment

  • Matthias68's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I would even like to go further and wish that all the corresponding language syntax improvements would also be made available when updating to new language versions.
    TestComplete version 15.56/15.58 included an update to Phyton version 3.11.5, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to have any effect on the language syntax in TestComplete.
    The only reference to another Phyton version, namely 3.8.10, can be found here:
    As it appears to me, the language syntax that I have with Phyton as part of TestComplete are based on this old phyton version.