simon_cnhi's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago
New Idea

Add documenting Testcomplete Keywords tests and TestComplete project suites

Hi it would be great to be able to document a project suite, and its associated Keyword test, by clicking "Export / Print to PDF", or another document format, to allow the sharing of QA test development info, amongst QA developers, or just to simply present work already completed; a mocked up output is below, this was created in Excel.

Italics = user define, bold = system (mostly)


I'm not certain of the validity of having all aspects of the TestComplete projects being exported, i.e. Name Mapping. But at least to have something to present to team leaders, management, etc, to show how the QA test development is going or to be able to discuss QA test development with other QA technicians, or simply to document any process, without having to use a floating license unnecessarily. I've only been using this product for about 5 days, but it seems this would be nice to have. Probably script units as well, but I can't say for certain as I've not used that functionality as yet, and I would guess the scripts would have been developed in a separate IDE.


  • Not that we couldn't use a way to report these things, but do you actually have management who care about test cases?  

  • simon_cnhi's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I have to justify the time my team takes working on QA stuff. I have to demonstrate that the investment the management have made in software products (no matter which) is valid. I have to report on the work my team does. And I have to document that any QA objectives set have been completed because that is part of my remuneration package - I fail, I get less money. My company strives for quality and excellence. I think that is why management cares about everything that happens. If management didn't care I would be wondering how much longer I'd have a job.

  • Wow, okay.  Just be aware that different companies have different procedures and we can still end up with the needed results.


    It's been my experience in both large, well known companies and smaller companies, that anyone above my immediate manager was not at all interested in the details of test cases.  Frequently the managers don't even want to see them, just a results dashboard.  The farther up the chain, the more they were just interested in the final results. 


    If that detail is what you have been asked for, then that's what you need.  However, those of us who don't need to go that far are still producing quality and excellent products.





  • simon_cnhi's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Fair comment. Just to clarify, when I said about quality and excellence I was talking about what we produce which is agricultural machinery and the company ethos, not alluding to any deficiency on your part. Sorry if it came across that way.


