Hi Community,
I'm trying to add a security header to a soap-message via C# like SOAPUI it does.
Is there a tutorial describing this?
Her is the setup I'm using for request by soapui.
I've found a topic https://community.smartbear.com/t5/SoapUI-Open-Source-Questions/How-does-SOAPUI-calculate-the-SignatureValue-for-a-SignedInfo/td-p/174176 where a similar problem is mentioned.
I've copied code from this thread.
I also have different hash values for BinarySecurityToken generated once by soapui and another generated by C#.
BinarySecurityToken is a constant value that I could insert hard coded.
But the signature value depends on the definition of the body and will change every request.
Many thanks for your help.
Kind regard,