samuel_perez's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

SoapUI command line Mock Deployment


Need the ability to deploy the mock via a command line vs the UI.


Business need: the ability to integrate the Mock test cases along with Continuous Integration automated test.  As part of CI build need the ability to deploy the SoapUI Mock upon check in.  Once checked in the mock can be packaged as a war and then deployed to a Apache or TC container for use with automated regression suite.



  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    samuel_perez, SoapUI comes with a script wargenerator.bat. I use this script to build a WAR file.


    The deployment is platform dependent, e.g. I deploy the mocks to Wildfly application server with a Groovy script (you can use Wildfly CLI as well).


    I use Gradle to automate the build and deployment.


    You can also explore the wargenerator.bat and achieve the same with Java/Groovy and customize the process according to your needs.


    What actually are you missing?

