dabrochu's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

testrunner flag to specify which tags to ignore in test runs

Testrunner.sh currently supports the -T option, which allows users to specify which tagged test cases they want to run. However, there is not a flag that allows the user to specify which tags to ignore in your test run.


For example, if I tagged test cases with "prototype" I could run only those tests with that specific tag using -T"TestCase prototype". However, if I wanted to run all tests but exclude the prototype tags I currently don't have the ability to do that. Maybe a new tag, or addition of ! into the flag would work?



-T"TestCase !prototype" <----- where ! prefix specifies not to run tests with prototype flag



This could even be expanded further where the -T option would support both inclusive and exclusive tags.

Ex: -T"TestCase prototype !ignorethese" <---- run all tests that have the prototype flag, but don't run those that have ignorethese flag