lizarose9's avatar
Occasional Visitor
7 days ago
New Idea

Set Authorization Method defaults in Auth Manager which can be inherited by environments

Each of my Ready API projects have dozens of tests and 10+ environments each.   The authorization methods for each API request/test is the same across all environments, but any time I need to make changes, or add new requests/tests, I have to open up the environment configuration window. and then for each environment I have to:

select the api > Edit > Authorization > Configure > Auth Manager > expand out all of the requests/test steps > make any changes (which is like 3 mouse clicks each plus some scrolling) > close > save 

And then repeat the exact same steps 10+ more times. 

Even using inheritance within an environment as much as I can, it's incredibly tedious, and often leads to developers making quick one-off changes in the request/test itself which gets applied inconsistently across environments and then wonder why our automated tests start failing

I propose being able to use Auth Manager in the "No Environment" to set the authorization methods in one place, which can then be applied to all environments (unless overridden).

Basically, in addition to Inherit From Parent, there could be an Inherit From Default Environment. That way, if an environment will be using all the defaults I only need to touch the environment level auth manager once, set Inherit From Default Environment at the project level for each environment, and then apply that to all dependencies.  Any time changes need to be made, I could open up the No Environment Auth Manager, make my changes there, and know it will apply to all all environments inheriting from the default.

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