Chowdhary's avatar
9 years ago
Selected for Development

Responce Time in log

Now in soapui NG

2016-04-11 14:27:55                   response time: 227ms (833 bytes)



Feature to be added in SOAP Ui Ng


We want the responce as perfect in milli seconds, so that the reponce time will be exact.


2016-04-11 14:27:55:785           response time: 227ms (833 bytes)

  • Status changed:
    New Idea
    Accepted for Discussion

    Thanks for the suggestion!


    Can you tell me which log you mean?

    The transaction log or the ReadyAPI log.


    Please supply a screen shot of which log you mean.


    Best regards,





    I have attached 2 copies, the 1st one is the screenshot of original log from readyapi, the second one is from what I edited in paint. am looking the log should look like the second one. so that the response will be perfect.

  • Status changed:
    Accepted for Discussion
    Selected for Development