RBlack's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

Option to gracefully terminate and fail SoapUI project upon first test failure

We have a SoapUI project (which I will call project "X" here) responsible for setting up the test environment prior to running regression tests.  Project X takes some time to complete.  If a test fails in X, we want to immediately terminate the project with failure.  We do NOT want to continue executing tests in the project, as the goal is not to collect information from the tests but rather to set up infrastructure. 


Currently Project X continues executing tests (setting up infrastructure) even when a failure has occurred.  This wastes valuable lab time. 


Request that an option be added to configure the project to immediately terminate on first failure.  Default should be false, which is the current behavior.


Immediate termination does not mean messy termination -- SoapUI should update logs appropriately, update any generated JUnit-compatible report.xml to indicate that tests were skipped, release internal resources and terminate gracefully.


In the meantime we will try to approximate this behaviour through other means.

