kkotaramesh's avatar
Occasional Visitor
6 years ago
Accepted for Discussion

Integration of Ready API with Zephyr Server

Hello, Just the way we have integration of Ready API to Zephyr cloud, Can we have the same integration wtih Zephyr Server too ? My organisation uses Zephyr server and we are very eagerly looking for the integration of zephyr with Ready API so that once Ready API project runs, Mapped zephyr test cases gets executed.

Currently i see that we have that in Zephyr cloud and not on zephyr server. Can we have it on Zephyr server too. Thanks.

We have a case 00397737 on the same.

  • Apologize for the delay of this functionality. We have been working really hard to help users in these difficult times we are living, so we have put a lot of our efforts on collaboration functionality to help everyone through these times. We had to re-prioritize and push this out further. Please continue on checking in and let me know if there are further questions.

  • Testastic's avatar
    Occasional Visitor

    I am also very interested in this functionality.

    Is this something that is being worked on TSanchez_1 ?

  • pedro's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    My client is interested in the same functionality, we have around 50+ Licenses and we need this feature! -  Specifically  "Zephyr for Jira Server"

  • bkircher's avatar
    New Contributor
    Wanted to chime in to say that my organization is interested in the same functionality. Specifically, Zephyr for Jira - not a Cloud instance.
  • Thanks for the request, we are looking into the matters to see what it would take from an implementation perspective :smileyhappy: 

  • HR4U's avatar
    Established Member

    +1 from me. To be precise: I need integration for "Zephyr for Jira Server". Not "Zephyr stand alone". 

    kkotaramesh wrote:

    Hello, Just the way we have integration of Ready API to Zephyr cloud, Can we have the same integration wtih Zephyr Server too ? My organisation uses Zephyr server and we are very eagerly looking for the integration of zephyr with Ready API so that once Ready API project runs, Mapped zephyr test cases gets executed.

    Currently i see that we have that in Zephyr cloud and not on zephyr server. Can we have it on Zephyr server too. Thanks.

    We have a case 00397737 on the same.