Oh common... 😡 in latest version ReadyAPI 3.30.0 it seems I can no longer copy-paste the request headers from the Headers tab by doing Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V !
Something changed in your UI that each Ctrl+C click when selecting a header in the Headers tab now enables the field for editing instead of copying...
Only possibility is to go at the raw request tab and copy-paste the actual values that were sent, but that's NOT what I want, since my headers are dynamic (properties) values, not actual string values.
I naively thought that perhaps this change was done to implement the above suggestion, but no, that also doesn't work, so we go backwards in the ReadyAPI user-friendliness.
Hope there is anyone from SmartBear that reads this, as this is not a good evolution...
UPDATE: Sorry, today the copy paste does seem to work again. So probably just some keyboard settings at my end...
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