sheba0907's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

Test Set --- Last run status is confusing

The last run status on a Test Set can be confusing, especially for a newbie like me :)


I started a test run, some tests failed and I ended the run

Run History shows status = failed (good and accurate)

Test set list in right nav shows failed (good and accurate)

I started the test run again, did not End Run, just Save & Close

Run History shows status = In Progress (good and accurate)

Test set list in right nav shows failed (not current, not accurate and confusing)





  • Ruhul_Ikram's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I was pondering the same thing, because we recently upgraded to QAComplete from ALMComplete. In ALMComplete if you "End Run" as "Pause", Test Set Status used to be "In Progress", but in QAComplete they is no option to select End Run as Pause. Save & Closed assumed to be doing the same thing except it does not. Why have an Last Run Status where it does not even capture "In Process". This seems to be a feature removed from QAComplete, which was view upper management in quick glance instead of going inside the test set or run history.    


    I have opened a ticket with SmartBear and got an answer this is not a bug, which seems odd as ALMComplete had the feature. Regardless this is an issue for everyday users who constantly looks at those status.

  • rkoshy's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree with "Last Run" is confusing, we shouldn't be associating Last Run of Test Cases which might be for different module and we using the same Test Case as common test case under Test Sets. It doesn't make sense to see the Last Run under Test Set when you are testing totally different area then what was previously tested udner that same test case.