ehendin's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago
New Idea

QA Complete- please add a metatagging or "label" feature like the one which currently exists in JIRA

In JIRA there is the ability to add labels to Defect/Tickets so that the user can categorize the defects and search them by these categories. Aside from adding another field, is there a way to do this in QA Complete? I noticed a dropdown option called "Tag" in notes but it does not appear to have the same purpose.

In other words, let's say each defect has a theme or multiple themes I want to attribute... then I want to search defects by one or many of these themes...

If not, is this something that is on the product roadmap for QA Complete?


Example where this has come up in our company: We have asked our users to create "Pain Point" defects outlining issues they have with one of our applications.   In some cases there are numerous "Pain Points" and topically there are different categories these items fall under - sometimes they are overlapping (one defect might have themes of SSN and Eligibility, another might have SSN and Security, another might have 834 files and Eligibility etc).

If we had the ability to label and organize them, it would be quite helpful.  


Thank you,

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