Lee_M's avatar
Community Hero
4 years ago
New Idea

Grafana integration



I would love to see a Grafana plugin so that we can create email reports from dashboards


I need a way to create a ports overview for managerial daily status reports 

  • syedrahman's avatar
    New Contributor

    I am getting extreme push to utilize our corporate Grafana Dashboard. I see there is no response to Lee_M 's post. Is there anyone who could provide guidance/experience with Grafana integration?

  • Lee_M's avatar
    Community Hero

    syedrahman, as a temp workaround I investigated Prometheus reading logs from a remote location


    I put in another feature request to have a log repository where the logs are saved to a remote location, thus allow TC the space save.


    A possible workaround could be a script that copies all log files to a remote location, allowing TC to limit its logs to X (20) and then Prometheus would extract data from the files and Graphana read this data

    - I know this sound like the long way round but bear it in mind


    I have real trouble getting results from this system other than just telling my boss "test passed" or alerting when one test failed - Zephr is not an option as these results need to appear as a plugin for Jira/Graphana which has other input metrics (TC is not the only source) and not initiate its own stand-alone end result.


    - hope this answer helps


    - SmartBear, please get some output for your metrics - Zephyr assumes everything creates a new issue

    we are looking for a metric that can be used with Graphana or as a plugin for another system like Jira



  • Lee_M's avatar
    Community Hero

    visitorracing, if the logs are stored locally then this is dependent on having my machine on all the time - if the logs were to be placed on a server (without any extra scripts) then these metics would always be available to me, and the whole company