johnmcdraper's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

Who reads these?

I'm curious what the difference is between this community 'feature request' board, and the 'suggestion' board.


Was talking to our sales guy about some Collaborator issues, and he went to the support site and said he 'didn't see anything from me'.   Which got me curious about what SmartBear engineers view more - this community board for ideas, or the support site for ideas.   (And which board is more likely to see issues/suggestions fixed)


Thoughts?   Discussion?

  • johnmcdraper's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I may also need to change my personal thinking, and save this board for 'nice to have' and use the bug/suggestion path for "you really should have"

  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I was previously told to use this community site for feature requests, and the ones with more kudos receive more attention from SmartBear.  It's hard to tell if SB is regularly monitoring this board, you don't often see any replies to any of the discussions from SB but sometimes I see posts changing status to 'accepted for discussion' etc. so I'm optimistic that they are.

  • johnmcdraper's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Well, the support ticket system does have a 'suggestion' system.    Suppose it comes down to semantics - want to ahve vs nice to have vs you should have.


    For example, on small screens, when you pull up a file in a review, the Return to Review button isn't there.  Is  "don't let that button disappear"?  a bug or a suggestion or a feature request?    


    About half of the requests on this board are things Collaborator really should do - but are they getting onto the list of things to implement?  or is this board treated like a glorified wish list and effectively ignored by developers/planners?

  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    If you're talking about issues (and not enhancement requests) they are typically logged in the support ticket system, so that's probably the place SmartBear was referring to.  I'm not aware of another public board for feature requests, just this community site and the support site to log tickets.