afrench's avatar
Occasional Visitor
9 years ago
New Idea

Option to set ReplyTo address as well as From: address

I am aware you can set the from address for emails sent by Collaborator. We have to have this set to a specific address to be able to relay via our mail server. internal emails are OK unauthenticated but to send externally we need to use STARTTLS, have a valid user name and password and have the from address set to an address associated with the username.


SMTP Username: example\codecollab-admin

Password :xxxxx

Send email as User: Always use the default email address

Default From Address:


The address belongs to the codecollab-admin user and messages can be sent logging in with this user and sent from this address


The headers from an email would look like






This causes issues where a user replies to the email and it gets sent to the admin as this is the address used to send from. Due to the restrictions above we cannot use the logged in user as the from address.


What would be good is to have a second option

Set Reply to Address: <Always use the default email address> or <Use the users email address>


This should then set the email headers as (if set to the use the users email address)






When a user receives the message it will be from CodeCollaborator but if they reply it will go to



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