VKPitchaimani's avatar
12 months ago
New Idea

Zephyr export improvements

The Zephyr export functionality needs to be massively improved, if the content it produces is to be useful. I tend to default to exporting everything in xls format as the other formats are not useful. Currently any exports need much manipulation in Excel before they can be used for reporting. Here are some suggestions:

1. No empty cells - if a row is a continuation of content from the previous row (eg another test step, or a reference to a requirement traceability or attachment), then carry forward the test identification information onto that row

2. The export generates some cells that are completely content empty, however the Excel isblank() function reports false for those cells.

3. Provide the ability to return the content all on one tab, rather than a new tab for each folder

4. Massively improve the report generation speed


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