As discussed in workshop we need this issue to be looked at
The issue involves the need for a detailed test execution reporting system at the test step level. Currently, the reporting only reflects the number of test scripts executed, which does not accurately represent the progress of individual test steps.
The existing test execution status report is limited to the number of test scripts executed, failing to provide insights at the test step level. This leads to misleading progress indicators, especially when comparing scripts with varying numbers of steps.
Acceptance criteria
- A report that shows the overall progress of test steps executed.
- A report that details the workload of test steps per assignee to identify testing bottlenecks.
Oh, it's a multi select.
It's multi select OK, so that's a feature request.
That is a feature request because the multi select.
Aston Field cannot be exported in that same report.
We have to make the a custom field has to be exportable. Check are they all custom fields? Yeah. See that we have that the rest of them are all multi select that's why that's why it's a data type issue.
VIHOCENCU Laurentiu-Vasile (EXT-RIC-CH) 40 minutes 58 seconds
Yeah, so this is what we want to report on on this type of field also.
OK, OK. And must it be a gadget in the dashboard or can?
Another type or can a an Excel or PDF or word report suffice. Do you want it in the dashboard?
Yes, for at least for one of my our projects, we need it. And in the dashboard to be able to to display it.
OK, Jill, this is a it's known issue. It's a known issue with with the dev team, which the product management team are aware of to give you complexity detail. Here is the request is I have a project, I have a release, but I want to report on this custom field value. That's easy if the custom field value is singular, but if you have a multi select.
That is a problem which the product management team are trying to solve, so they're aware of that and you know, we should continue along the pathway of the of the future request and.