gcherion's avatar
11 days ago
New Idea

[RICH] - Defect creation in JIRA should be more integrated with Enterprise

Defect creation process is not user friencdy. It should allow user to create and link the defect to the specific test/test step without having to copy and paste any ID for linkind defect with the test case. The button “D” is not clear, it should be renamed as a big button : “Create Defect” The tool was sold as state of the art and so, it should raise to the expectations in the integration with JIRA This is a regression as it was working already in Zephyr SQUAD and Zephyr Enterprise


This request has also been raised by Key users from OPSBF team. We need to simply the defect creation and have something similar to what we have currently in Zephyr Squad. The user shall not have to select the issue type after clicking on the button to create defect, the issue type “Bug” should be automatically selected. And we should not have to copy the defect ID and paste in ZE to link it with the test case

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