[RICH] - Attachments @step level display too small not readable, image resolution low for PNG files
|CONTEXT (where is the need coming from, why, who, when?)| |When we are checking the attachments at execution level, the component displaying them is to small and not really usable. We always need to download the file in order to be able to see it properly. This has an impact on our efficiency as require more actions from our side for each attachment Can you please provide a solution so that the attachments are displayed in their original size so we can see the details immediately on the component Enterprise view [media] Download view: [media] | |REQUIREMENTS / DETAILS| |We need to display the attachments from execution step level in a bigger screen or allow the window to be resizable or open a big preview window when we click on the picture | |OUTPUT (Format of the deliverable if specific)|Planned for demo ?| |Demo|Yes| |TESTS (planned to ensure the quality of the change)| |https://richemont.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HIC9CQ| |DEPENDANCIES (Notes about linked Jiras if needed)| || |RISKS|SCORE| |User rejection as they will have to reenter the criteria each time|https://richemont.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HwKKCQ |
Actually case open with Smartbear
Case # 00687370 : Attachments at step level are displayed to small to be readable