gcherion's avatar
25 days ago
New Idea

[RIC] Clicking on a text box should allow direct edit of the box [nice to have]

Hello @Milan VERMA , from what i see, something changed in this direction.

When i’m on the existing lines, clicking between cells is allowing me directly to edit.

The issue is still visible when i move to a new line/row, in this situation focus is lost. Can Smartbear fix it.

As well, as you will touch this component maybe Smartbear team can have a look at the wrong behavior when a row that is expanded and click on it is actually focusing on the row under the row that needs to be edits (please see video)

Smartbear’s comment:

This is a minor UX issue, we can raise this with support, I’ve yet to clarify if it is a regression issue of the version of ZE but we can check this. Either way it’s a minor issue that won’t be a lot of effort to resolve with Development.

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