BrianDallHMH's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago
New Idea

Provide direct native support for getting NUnit test results into Zephyr Enterprise without hassle

Please add native support for importing regular NUnit results files, as you've done for other testing tools' results files.


Given we are a company that does a lot of C#/.NET development and uses and runs thousands of NUnit test cases

When we reun our NUnit test cases

Then we should be able to import NUnit results directly into Zephyr Enterprise, without having to either:

  • re-run the tests with special parameters, or
  • use an external conversion tool to make the NUnit results look like JUnit results.


Adding the requirement to run (or re-run) test cases with a lot of extra parameters
(e.g. "--result=junit-results.xml;transform=nunit3-junit.xslt" which results in a non-standard NUnit result),
or execute a third-party external conversion tool (potentially unsupported now), makes the process of importing NUnit results into Zephyr Enterprise much more complex than it needs to be.

Using Zephyr Enterprise with NUnit should be easier / more convenient and support a standard workflow.


  • Status changed:
    New Idea
    New Idea



    Could you tell me how you are using the NUnit report today with the Zephyr Enterprise ?

    Today Zephyr Enterprise Provide an ability to create your own parser and use it to publish the report to Zephyr. Did you created the Parser for your NUnit?


