if you don't mind working with powershell here is a script that will give you results. File extensions might need to be changed.
write-host "This script searches all TestComplete Script and Key Word Test files for specified Search String"
$searchString = Read-Host "Enter the string to search for: "
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -LT 3)
get-childitem -include *.tcKDTest, *.sj -path <path to test repository> -recurse | select-string -pattern $searchString | select filename, path, line -unique | out-gridview
read-host "Press enter to continue..."
get-childitem -include *.tcKDTest, *.sj -path <path to test repository> -recurse | select-string -pattern $searchString | select filename, path, line -unique | out-GridView -passthru | ForEach-Object {start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" $_.Path}