Ravik's avatar
Super Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

Multitask While Your Tests Run on local Machine or VM

This is request for Multitasking feature in TestComplete.


1- While I am running tests in TC (Normal Mode) , we should able to continue to use our machine.

2- When my machine is Lock, still TC should run the test.


(If I have dual monitor than test should be run on specific window or If I am using VM then it should be able to run on VM only and I should be able to continue my work on my local machine -look like - Selenium

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero


    Ravik wrote:

    If I am using VM then it should be able to run on VM only and I should be able to continue my work on my local machine



    Actually you can work on your local machine when you are running your test thru VM. This needs some basic configuration which you try this link https://support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/docs/testing-with/running/via-rdp/overview.html

  • Ravik's avatar
    Super Contributor



    Given link for Remote Desktop Machine, When I connected with Remote Desktop machine and run test on it. It will uses the all recourses of that Remote Machine (In Short we are running test on some other machine)


    I have did virtual machine setup on my local machine itself (VMware View Client) Now I am trying to Run Test on VMware, I have to access VMware session using "mstsc" (remote session)  but if we access VMware from Starbar  menu and try to run test then it won't be allow multi-tasking.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    TC uses the mouse and keyboard events native to the operating system in order to interact with the UI of the application under test.  Because of this, when a test case is running on a machine, you should not use that machine for any other tasks as, doing so, would cause the keyboard and mouse events to fail.  This is a fundamental technological design for most UI based testing tools and it would require a MAJOR rework to do so.  This is why the general recommendation is to use a VM for executing your test cases if you need to use your main machine for additional work.


    This goes the same for any VM technology that uses your local machines resources for interacting with the VM.  The solution is well documented in the help that you can start your tests on a VM from a console session OR, after starting the tests, redirect the output to the console before disconnecting.  A locked desktop, whether a VM or a local machine, cannot interact with the UI.

    Here is the documentation for the recommended method of working with a VM that you need to disconnect from after starting your tests.  Try this.


  • Ravik's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Some organization don't have VM Machine and as per the company policy your machine should be lock if you are not around the Desk .


    request is that test should be run on lock machine (local machine)

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    As mentioned, I don't think that's feasible.  You need to be able to interact with the desktop in order to click buttons, enter text, etc.  When a machine is locked, the desktop is unavailable.  No automation tool that I know of can interact with the desktop of a locked workstation.  As mentioned, the solution is to go with a virtual machine.

    There is a free license, I believe, of VMWare that you can run locally. That is probably your best solution.  You'll need to make sure you have a floating user license of TestComplete so you can put your license server on your local machine and have your VM reference it. But honestly, I don't know of any tool that will allow you to interact with an application on a locked desktop.