khalik's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

[Jenkins plugin] Ability to access the junit report file on the slave machine



Today the junit report file or only store on the master jenkins.

I will need on evolution to be able to access the file from the slave, i.e I need the file to be present in the project where the .md file is.

The end goal for me is to use that file to push the results to elasticsearch to be able to see the history of the runs.


Let me know if you need more information







  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero

    I guess, JUnit reports are saved in the salve location only.



    Above is the path of slave node not the master. to be more clear wherever you run the build there only will get placed. 

  • khalik's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hello Shankar,

    The Junit report file is an xml file call junitResult.xml located in the master node in ./jenkins/jobs/%yourjob%/builds/%yourbuildNumber%.



    My need is to access that file from the slave node.
    I already contacted the support of test complete but they were not able to provide me with a workaround and advised me to log the request here to catch the Product Owner attention.


