mgroen2's avatar
Super Contributor
9 years ago
New Idea

Give a warning message for when endless recursive call is created

Sometimes, testers try to break things. And sometimes this is possible :)

So, to make TestComplete a more robust product,  I think it would be an improvement if TestComplete gives you the warning when you create a test which calls itself (recursive). Currently this warning is given at test execution time, however this does not work well for data driven tests.

It would be better if warning is implemented at test design fase:


As soon as the test engineer creates an  endless recursive call, the warning should be displayed.


See attached video for clarification.



  • Manfred_F's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Hmm, one solution could be to integrate a call level counter into Your recursive function. Then You can check the nesting level as a precondition.

  • chik's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    It is good programming practice to not create an endless recursive calls. There is no need to check this. You will have a limited stack spaces by the way.