RaheelAtta's avatar
New Member
7 months ago
New Idea

Feature Request: Native Support for Telerik.WinControls.UI.SplitPanel Objects

Dear TestComplete Development Team,

We are writing to request the addition of native support for "Telerik.WinControls.UI.SplitPanel" objects in TestComplete. This feature would significantly enhance our ability to automate tests for applications using Telerik controls.

Current Situation:

TestComplete does not currently support Telerik.WinControls.UI.SplitPanel objects.
Attempts to interact with these objects using MSAA and UI Automation have been unsuccessful.
We are currently forced to use Low Level Procedures as a workaround, which is less efficient and more difficult to maintain.

Requested Feature:
We request that TestComplete be updated to include native support for Telerik.WinControls.UI.SplitPanel objects. This support should include:

The ability to recognize and interact with SplitPanel objects in the Object Browser.
Support for common actions such as expanding, collapsing, and resizing SplitPanel objects.
The ability to read and modify properties of SplitPanel objects.

Benefits of Implementation:
Improved efficiency in test automation for applications using Telerik controls.
Reduced reliance on complex workarounds like Low Level Procedures.
Enhanced maintainability of test scripts.
Broader appeal of TestComplete to teams working with Telerik-based applications.

Use Case Example:
In our current project, we have multiple SplitPanel objects that need to be manipulated during testing. Native support would allow us to write more straightforward and robust test scripts
Instead of relying on more complex Low Level Procedures.
We believe this feature would be valuable not only to our team but to many other TestComplete users working with Telerik controls. We appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to your response.

Thank you for your time and continued efforts to improve TestComplete.

Best regards,
Raheel Atta

Business Analyst

Harris Farm Market (Australia)

Refernce Case #00662834 & recording: https://smartbear.zoom.us/rec/share/EdESlLFcIa2dKK4IrsJGBF1V1GRO2zmJrPuxQ_imSuj482fsyqgw1YD2Tvk9c6nZ.659y8-Lf1O0e-hGX

Supported by Nilim Nath
Product Support Engineer

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