maximojo's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago
Accepted for Discussion

Distributed Testing: Wizard for setting up distributed testing i.e. Network suites, tests, etc

Hi all,


I love distributed testing in TC. However, setting it up can be a bit confusing. Ideally there could be some kind of simplified wizard for setting up the various configurations.


Most of the trickery comes from:


- enabling/disabling the various Windows security measures e.g. firewall, opening ports, etc.

- pointing at the correct source directories - even if you are copying from the master it can be confusing to setup the slave directories

- which tests will execute


Just an idea. 

When it works it's great! Setting it up however, whenever I have to do it, is always a bit trickier than IMHO it needs to be.



  • maximojo's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    What do you know, there is a wizard! I will have to try it out. Not sure how easy it is to use.