JustinM89's avatar
6 years ago
New Idea

Make 'Environments' configuration version-control friendly

I'd really like to leverage the Environments feature, but the way in which this information is stored makes it a huge pain when working with version control. Whenever you add/remove environments, it adds/updates an <environmentSpec> tag to nearly every file in the project, like so:


          <con:entry environmentId="be1afc29-0c49-4053-9d51-875611dc4dbc">
            <con:authProfile>Inherit From Parent</con:authProfile>


I just tested this using an in-sync copy of our project -- I added a single environment and saved it -- 50 files show as changed -- every single test case XML, all of the XMLs for our endpoints, and settings.xml.


Can environment info please be managed in a separate configuration file? A clean way to modify environments without touching every project file would be ideal. For my project we support different metadata and application configurations on top of different OS and database platforms, so we deal with tons of different environments and the way this is managed makes this feature completely unusable.

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