jamie_dswinc's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago
New Idea

Screenshot / Screen capture tool for tests within the Test Library/Test Sets/Defects

We recently began using QAComplete, and are missing a screenshot tool that our former QA app had available right on the test/defect ribbon bar.  We could select the icon to launch a feature allowing us to capture our screen, or a portion of our screen, and then automatically attach the picture to the defect, test, or individual test step - all without having to navigate away from the tool or save an image.  This is the #1 request we're getting from our users as we roll it out. 


Do we know if there are any plans to include a screenshot tool in a future release?


Thank you!


  • wongk's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    We have the same request.  It would be nice if QAComplete has some sort of plug in that allows us to capture screens or partial screens and put them right in the test step or defect automatically and that for us could be reported on. 


    My test team must capture such actual results for purposes of providing to our client base what we tested and how it was tested. Some sort of tool to automatically capture a screen during a test run would be awesome




    Kim Wong

    Auctor Corporation

  • famiri's avatar
    Regular Visitor

    We have also requested a similiar feature on QAComplete that would tremendously help us in improving our performance as well as save time when it comes to running tests. 


    It would be nice to have this feature enabled while we are running test steps, user can simply click and capture a screenshot dynamically (would be saved on the step & will be attached to test cases/scripts) 


    It would also be nice to gain access to these screenshots when we are ready to provide our steps as proof. 


    Thank you 


    Fred Amiri 


  • Dan_Gawarecki's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Agree with previous posts.  Having a "Create picture from clipboard contents" would be a good interim capability.

  • Clokeys's avatar
    Regular Visitor

    Do you have any plan to implement this functionality?  By not having this capability, it's slowing manual testing down...

  • rkoshy's avatar
    New Contributor

    We would love these feature too. It takes time to capture a screenshot, save it and then come to QAComplete presse upload button, look for the file where you saved it  and press okay. If you do this in each test stet. It takes a toll. 

  • emmyfreed24's avatar
    Occasional Visitor

    It would be nice to have this feature enabled while we are running test steps, user can simply click and capture a screenshot dynamically (would be saved on the step & will be attached to test shagle cases/scripts) 


    It would also be nice to gain access to these screenshots when we are ready to provide our steps as proof. 


    Thank you