johnmcdraper's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago
New Idea

Preset report results at the top of the screen

When running a report (WebUI), you select your template, maybe make some configurations, then select Run.     Your results are presented at the bottom of the screen, but your browser focus snaps to the results, so no real issue.


However, if you save the LINK to the report and use the link another day – your focus is at the top of the screen, and not the results.  You have to scroll down to see those.   Sometimes scroll a lot, if you have a lot of potential report settings.   This can become confusing for people who only want to see report results (Quality, Management, etc – people you don’t want to annoy  :)  


It would be nice if report results were displayed at the top of the report page.   Then the results would be immediately visible to anyone to runs the report, or recreates the report via the URL LINK.   If you want to change the settings, you can scroll down and run your new report with no issue.


Not a life critical change, but I’m tired of fielding the phone calls of people who use a link to see a result and instead see settings and reach for the phone before the scroll button.    Plus, it would be a nicer presentation overall


  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Instead of clicking the Link button, click Printable, and copy / send that link.  That removes the query settings from the window completely, showing only the results as you are looking for.

  • johnmcdraper's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    That could be a solution in some instances.   But while that will get you a cleaner result, but items will also not be hot links.   i.e. a lit of active reports, the report numbers will no longer be hot links to the reports themselves...



  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Agreed, I didn't notice the links were removed, rats.  Would be cool if the query criteria was in a collapsible window in the report (and the expanded/collapsed state of the criteria was added to the query URL).  That way you could send the report with the criteria collapsed, and people could expand it & revise it if they wanted.

  • johnmcdraper's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I like the collapsible idea.  Maybe make it its own feature request....


    I thought I had submitted another feature request to have a 'my reports' section to save these links to, but I can't seem to find it here.   Hope it didn't get lost.



  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I could make it a separate request but I was thinking the collapsible query criteria would be an elegant way to implement this request; a win-win if you ask me, as the report results would be prominently displayed for those who don't care about the query criteria, and it's the query criteria is still readily available for those who want it.


    Maybe your "my reports" request was in the old feedback system - I would kudo that request, would be nice to have custom queries stored right in Collaborator instead of maintaining a series of URLs.