Forum Discussion

s_franklin's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

zephyr scale search for procedures calling a certain test case

I'm looking for a way to search within Zephyr Scale to return all Test Procedures that call a specified Test Case. So dumbed-down: return all test_procedures where call_to_test equals "test_case_nu...
  • josh42's avatar
    3 years ago

    We're using the call to test feature extensively, so I think, I know, what you mean.


    To figure out, which test cases call other test cases via the call to test feature, we use the ZS API. You can search for test cases using different criteria (project, folder ...) and analyse the results (specifically the test script of the test case) to return the list of test cases calling another test case. It's a bit of work and performance is not the best, but it works.


    We have requested this from the ZS team a while back. Give it a vote in the ideas portal.


