Forum Discussion

jchattan's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Zephyr Scale Custom Reports Addition to Test Cycles

I am trying to upload my PDF test results from ReadyAPI to Zephyr scale and following this API details:

But I get an error saying 


My request looks like 



Followed the discussions:

Can anyone help with some details where is the possible issue?

    • jchattan's avatar
      New Contributor

      RahulKthe data that you have posted in Pre-request script - Does it create a new test cycle or it updates the existing test cycle with the name and folderid provided? Is the description manadatory?

      Can you post a result snapshot which shows the uploaded attachment in Zephyr!

      I am looking to update an existing Test Cycle.

      I tried what you suggested but getting the same output as before




  • RahulK's avatar
    New Contributor

    It create a new test cycle, below is the result:


    • jchattan's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for clarifying RahulK 

      As your parameter says autoCreateTestCases=true, I have changed it to be the same but still I get the same error.

      Not sure what is the issue here at my end!


      I have got 9 parameters in the header but you got 10, wonder if that is the issue