Forum Discussion

David_Be's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Reporting Question - Test execution results (progress) for each day

I am looking for a report that will correctly show me the Daily "Test execution results (progress)" for a given period of time. For each single day.

like the following lines:

Day 1: 0 pass 1 fail 2 blocked
Day 2: 1 pass 1 fail 1 blocked
Day 3: 4 pass 0 fail 0 blocked
Day 4: 3 pass 1 fail 0 blocked

im am suprised that I can't find such a report, so I'm assuming I did something wrong.

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi David,


    Unfortunately it is not possible in the way we'd expect.  I believe SmartBear are working on enhancements to the reporting section and I hope this is one of the things they fix 'cause it's real a fundamental have-to feature.  The way I work around it is to create the report, save as a bookmark, and then edit the report criteria in the URL to change the date, et voila!, the report will show 'today's' execution results.  But perhaps a better way would be to pop that URL into Excel and use a formula to get a URL link for every day you need from now and til when testing is complete.

  • David_Be's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    This ist for shure a real a fundamental must have feature. Is there a way to submit feature requests?



    • MisterB's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      I think it's already on the list of enhancements to work on but we could check once SmartBear relaunch their ideas portal - they've closed down the old one and are migrating onto a new platform, for release early next year I believe.